Tuesday, April 12, 2011

exam week!

stdy week bertungkus lumus stdy.. (haha bio je). yg laen?? tak berape minat, so.. nt2 laa.. :p seriously, msok je ahad, sume stdy mcm nak gila. mata mmg tak boleh nak pejam bila fikir psl MATHS! maths MATHS maths MATHS! dgr mmg la maths je, tp susa mcm hape! maths is not as easy as ABC! hahaa bio lg best! :D td pon paper 1 dah mcm separuh musnah! 2 hrs is not enough!! mata mmg duk tgk kertas dr mula smpi habes.. and tak termasok lg, dgn nk ingt formula itu ini.. =.=' cume td syira ckp, ade sorg bdk ni.. dr first day exm.. mmg dah buat hal.heh! first day, dpt je paper die trus draft everythng! gila la! 15 minit b4 exm, kau dah ade sume point tuk buat essay! Untung la weyh duk tepi! org xnmpk. haihhh~ td pon, selamba je bwk msok A4 paper. mmg la kosong. but masok2 je dwn exm, selamba je tulis sume formula! huiiiii.. mmg terbaek la! baek bwk masok je sume nota2.. org lain mcm nak gila hfl.. and me, siap bertafakur! sbb nk recall blek sume formula! and u!?? relax je kan! sgt tak adil bg kami! ;(

and now, hope sgt boleh score kat paper2. itu jela hrpan tuk dpt better result for maths! serius takot!!! =.=''

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