Tuesday, April 6, 2010

ting tong!

happy bufday!!!!!
u da 17teen

happy bufday to you..
happy bufday to you..
happy bufday to you.....
happy bufday to you!!!

smoge pnjg umur,
dimurahkan rezeki,
berjaye dunia akhirat..

and smlm xde pape pon yg menarik tou dikongsi..
mlm cume mkn kat JM beriani, Shah Alam..
mak blnje..
cos my aunty dtg..
mcm biase..
dgr la gosip ibu2..

and siap buat fb lg..
abah jugak yg mkn hati..
mne xnye, sume dok menghdp laptop..
and abh ckp sorg2! (alone..)
Abah : hmm,, mkn la laptop tu.. facebook ! facebook!

hahaaa...sorry bah!
ala bkn pe, abh tak tau fb, sbb tu abh xmelekat kat dpn laptop..

Abah : sume da tersampok FB!!

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